So who is this Scotlund?
As happens, Scotlund Haisley is a real-life animal rescuer and senior director of Emergency Services for The Humane Society of the United States.
I've been hearing a lot about Puppy Mills in the news recently, and the hundreds of puppies taken from these horrible places. But what are they really going through? Below is a link to some of the stories- try reading Millie's story with a dry eye:
Millie, a 12-year-old Chihuahua, was found wandering along a Virginia road in very poor condition. Her uterus had prolapsed due to multiple pregnancies and deliveries, and was literally protruding outside her body.
She was brought to the nearest animal shelter. The shelter staff noted that Millie was wearing a tag with a USDA breeder's license number on it. She clearly had been used for many years as a breeder dog in a puppy mill, before being abandoned when her body was used up and she could no longer "earn her keep."
Special funding was secured to pay for Millie's uterine surgery, so that she could finally be placed in a loving home. Many people were pulling for her but, unfortunately, it was too late for Millie.
The operating vet discovered extensive tumors throughout her reproductive system, and it was decided that the kindest thing to do would be to not wake her up from surgery. The animal shelter's manager took Millie's ashes home with her. At least in death, Millie will have a real home.
A link to more stories: http://www.stoppuppymills.org/survivor_stories.html
There is no love in these puppy mills, and there is no excuse for it, how we respond to the smallest creatures and their issues is what defines us, it is no longer okay to claim ignorance in these issues.
Are there responsible breeders out there? Sure there are, but with 3 to 4 million healthy cats and dogs euthanized in shelters last year (broken down, that is one animal every nine seconds), why would you shop when you can save a life? Adopt!
Still want that German Shepherd or Chihuahua? Most people don't know that there are rescue groups that are breed specific, there not hard to find. Simply Google the breed then the word rescue and city. And example would be, “Irish wolfhound rescue California” which brings up “Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club” www.nciwc.us. Easy! PetFinder is also a great place to search for specific breeds.
As with any big decision, research any breed before adoption, know what you're getting your self into. Pets cost money, pets need love, care, and your time.
Facts of the Issue:
-Although some of the larger breeders house thousands of dogs in their facilities the average puppy mill will house between 65 and 75 animals, most housed in hutch-style cages with wire floors.
-No states have laws against a breeding kennel legally keeping dozens of dogs in cages for their entire lives, if food, water, and shelter are provided.
-Dogs at puppy mills are often not actually purebred, and the breeders sometimes lie about lineage records.
-Number of animals who have a home that lasts their entire lifetime: only 1 in 3
-Euthanasia in animal shelters is the leading cause of death of healthy dogs and cats.
Jeers of the Issue:
I'm talking about you here PetLand, you and those little shops that sell puppies from breeders in the mall that sell puppies, as well as those Internet and Newspaper ads. You help puppy mills thrive. NO RESPONCABLE BREEDER PUTS THEIR PUPPIES IN A STORE FRONT!
Spot Light Rescuer of the Month:
So today, with a tip of the hat and wag of the tail, I recognize PetFinder as my first Spot Light Rescuer of the Month, because of your dedication to helping animals, you've helped 12 Million animals find homes. You virtually house 297,369 adoptable pets from 12,593 adoption groups in the USA, Canada and Mexico. A big THNAK YOU for all that you do!
